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Vent Community Guidelines
Last Updated - July 2024
Vent values your right to share your views and opinions, but not everything is welcome in an online community. Thoughtful and respectful debate is welcomed, as are opposing viewpoints, as long as they are communicated in a respectful manner.
We're a global community and a private company. We reserve the right to run Vent in a manner that is in line with our mission and values. We are also committed to fostering a safe environment that complies with international laws, including the UK Online Safety Act and The Digital Services Act.
Any content that violates our community guidelines below will be removed. Vent will ban users from the platform if their behaviour warrants such action. Individuals are notified of our decisions and can appeal them if they believe no violation has occurred.
We will promptly report any credible threats of real-world harm to human life, any evidence of exploitation or abuse involving minors or vulnerable adults, terrorist threats, or any signs of illegal activity to local authorities.
🔔 Recent Updates
Understanding Our Commitment to Safety in Discussions of Self-harm, Suicide, and Eating Disorders
Last Updated - June 2024
Read our new policy
👿 Bullying & HarassmentDon't be offensive, bully or harass others. Racism, hate speech or content targeting specific demographics will not be tolerated. Any expressions of abuse, including threats and/or degrading statements intended to mock, humiliate, embarrass, intimidate, and/or hurt an individual are not welcome on Vent and will be removed. Rule 1. Do not post content that insults or belittles an individual on the basis of attributes such as intellect, appearance, personality traits, and/or hygiene. Rule 2. Do not post content that encourages coordinated harassment - Vent defines harassment as aggressive pressure or intimidation towards another user. Rule 3. Do not post content that disparages victims of violent tragedies. Rule 4. Content that depicts willful harm or intimidation, such as cyberstalking or trolling, will be removed. Vent defines a troll as a user that posts inflammatory, insincere, digressive, extraneous, or off-topic messages on our platform with the intent of provoking readers into displaying emotional responses,or manipulating others' perception. Rule 5. Content that wishes death, serious disease, or other serious harm on an individual will be removed and will result in a ban. Rule 6. Vent defines racism as prejudice, discrimination, or antagonism by an individual, community, or institution against a person or people on the basis of their membership of a particular racial or ethnic group, typically one that is a minority or marginalised. Any racist content will be removed and result in an immediate ban.
🤬 Hate SpeechWe're a diverse global community - please respect cultural differences so we can ensure users from all backgrounds are made to feel welcome. Hate speech, racism and cultural appropriation will not be tolerated on Vent. Vent defines hate speech or behaviour as content that attacks, threatens, incites violence against, or otherwise dehumanises an individual or a group on the basis of the following protected attributes: Race Ethnicity National origin Religion Caste Sexual orientation Sex Gender Gender identity Serious disease Disability Immigration status Political Orientation It’s essential to respect differences of opinion and ensure these expressions do not escalate into hate speech. The line between strong (and often controversial) opinions and hate speech can be nuanced, and influenced by the context of the post and the user’s history. Therefore, when determining whether content is intended to incite hate, both the content's context and the poster’s history will be carefully considered. Examples of hate speech include, but are not limited to: Racial slurs or racist jokes Content promoting gender-based stereotypes that could harm individuals Expressions that advocate for violence against a religious group Disparaging remarks about someone's disability Rule 7. Do not post content that may be interpreted as hate speech towards an individual or group. Rule 8. Do not tag other individuals in hate posts/comments/replies. This includes tagging a user in a post or referencing them in a comment under a post. Rule 9. Do not post content that glorifies, praises, promotes, and/or supports any hateful ideology (e.g. white supremacy, misogyny, misandry, anti-LGBTQ, antisemitism, islamophobia etc.). Rule 10. Do not post content that contains names, symbols, logos, flags, slogans, uniforms, gestures, salutes, illustrations, portraits, songs, music, lyrics, and/or other objects related to a hateful ideology. Rule 11. Do not post content that supports, promotes, or advertises conversion therapy or related programs. Rule 12. Do not post content that denies well-documented and violent events that have taken place affecting groups with protected attributes (e.g. Holocaust denial). Rule 13. Do not post claims of supremacy over a group of people with reference to other protected attributes. Rule 14. Do not share conspiracy theories used to justify hateful ideologies.
🆘 Self-harm, Suicide & Disordered Eating BehavioursVent is a peer-to-peer support platform designed to provide a safe space for sharing and receiving support. However, it is not an emergency service and cannot assist with immediate crisis situations. If you are experiencing thoughts of harming yourself and you are not sure if you can keep yourself safe, peer support might not be the best option for you right now. If you are in a life-threatening situation, please contact emergency services or go to your nearest emergency department immediately. For additional support options, you can also press the ‘I need help’ button in the sidebar. Sharing on Vent needs to be safe for everyone. Please don't share graphic or explicit details of self-harm or suicidal ideation, including talking about methodologies. If you're struggling with self-injury or suicidal feelings, you can share how you're feeling, any coping strategies and suggest how others can help e.g. by listening. Don't share photos or any details about how you self-harm, or plan to self-harm. This can be harmful to others and will be removed. Graphic words that could be triggering such as (but not limited to) cutting, hanging, and/or overdosing etc will be removed or amended from posts. Content that promotes disordered eating behaviours, likely to cause adverse health outcomes, is also not allowed on Vent. This includes content expressing desire for an eating disorder, sharing tips or coaching on disordered eating, and participation in unhealthy body measurement challenges. Rule 15. Do not share content that promotes, normalizes, encourages or glorifies suicide or self-harm. Rule 16. Do not share content that provides instructions for suicide or how to engage in self-harm. This includes graphic or explicit details of self-harm or suicidal ideation, including talking about methodologies, or any suggestion of planning for suicide. Rule 17. Do not share suicide or self-harm games, dares, challenges, pacts, or hoaxes. Rule 18. Do not share content that depicts, promotes, normalizes, encourages or glorifies disordered eating behaviours, including dangerous weight loss or 'thinness'. Sharing tips, coaching advice, or specific measures (calories, weight, body measurements etc.) related to disordered eating will be removed. Rule 19. Do not seek or provide medical advice, including sharing names or details of specific medication you might be taking on Vent. Such discussions require professional guidance and are not appropriate for this platform so will be removed. Vent isn’t the correct place for users to discuss medication. Understanding Our Commitment to Safety in Discussions of Self-harm, Suicide, and Eating Disorders Last Updated - June 2024 Read our new policy
🚔 Illegal ContentIf you share content that discloses illegal activity or threats of harm to others, then expect repercussions. Admins may report this to local authorities and your account could be banned. Content may be removed if it relates to activities or goods that are regulated or illegal in the majority of the region or world. Rule 20. Do not share content that discloses illegal activity or threats of harm to others - this can also include images. Rule 21. Do not post or share content that promotes phishing, pyramid schemes, investment schemes with promise of high returns, fixed betting, and/or any other types of scams. Rule 22. Do not post or share content that promotes gambling. Rule 23. Do not post or share content that promotes or encourages use of drug consumption, manufacturing or selling. Rule 24. Do not post content that displays firearms, firearm accessories, ammunition, and/or explosive weapons. Content that offers the purchase, sale, trade and/or solicitation of firearms, accessories, ammunition, explosive weapons and/or instructions on how to manufacture them will also be removed. Rule 25. Do not post content that praises, promotes, glorifies, or supports violent acts or extremist organisations or individuals. Rule 26. Do not post content that encourages participation in, or intends to recruit individuals to violent extremist organisations. Rule 27. Do not post content with names, symbols, logos, flags, slogans, uniforms, gestures, salutes, illustrations, portraits, songs, music, lyrics, and/or other objects meant to represent violent extremist organisations or individuals.
🛡️ Minor SafetyVent defines a minor as any person under the age of 18. Our users must meet the minimum age requirements to use Vent, as stipulated in our Terms of Service. If you are under 16, you are not allowed to use Vent and we will ban your account. Vent will take action on any content or accounts involving sexual exploitation of a minor. Sexual exploitation of minors includes any abuse of a position of power or trust for sexual purposes, including profiting financially, socially, sexually, and/or politically from the exploitation of a minor. Rule 28. Do not use Vent if you are under 16. Any users that state they are underage will be banned. Rule 29. Do not create accounts pretending to be under 16. We take this seriously and any accounts lying or joking about being a minor will be banned. Rule 30. Flag and report any individual whom you know to be under 16 on Vent. Please flag the content where this information is revealed for our admin team to review. Rule 31. If you come across a user that states they are under 16, do not engage with these users - flag the profile. Rule 32. Do not engage in any explicit sexual conversation with minors on Vent.
🐍 Predatory / Grooming BehaviourWe do not tolerate any type of predatory or grooming behaviour on Vent. Predatory behaviors may include flattery, requests for contact on or off platform, requests for personal information, solicitation of minor sexual abuse material, sexual solicitations or comments and gift-giving. A permanent ban will be issued to any user that we believe is displaying predatory or grooming behaviour. Rule 33. Do not post or share content that solicits minors to connect with an adult on another platform, website, or other digital space. Rule 34. Do not post or share content that depicts, promotes, normalises, and/or glorifies grooming behaviour. Rule 35. Do not post or share content that solicits real-world contact between a minor and an adult or between minors with a significant age difference. Rule 36. Do not take it upon yourself to hunt out predators on the platform. Accounts created to catfish predators or accounts used to call out such activity can be very dangerous and we will ban such users. If you come across predatory or grooming behaviour on Vent, please flag the content or contact
💋 Dating & Sexual ContentVent is not a dating platform. While you're welcome to build friendships and relationships on Vent - we have boundaries. We encourage users to talk about sex as it is an important part of life, however this should be done within appropriate boundaries. We are also mindful that some content may be offensive or culturally inappropriate in certain regions or may not be suitable for users of all ages. Rule 40. Do not post, comment or DM dating requests - Vent is not a dating platform. Rule 41. Do not send unsolicited inappropriate messages, pictures or requests - Vent defines unsolicited content as messages or images that have not been asked for or requested. This includes requesting explicit images or messages from a user out of context. Rule 42. Do not post inappropriate/sexual requests or content on Vent. This includes sexting requests on the main feed. Replacing characters in the requests (such as ‘s@xting anyone?’) does not make this ok. This also includes sharing explicit details about your sex life or personal fetishes/kinks.
🙈 Explicit ImagesUsers directly messaging unsolicited nude images, or uploading nude images to their profile will be banned from the platform. Vent defines nudity as content that is overtly revealing of breasts, genitals, anus, and/or buttocks, or behaviours that mimic, imply, and/or display sex acts. This also includes depictions, including digitally created or manipulated content of nudity or sexual activity. Rule 43. Do not DM unsolicited nude pictures to other users. Rule 44. Do not have nude or inappropriate pictures that mimic, imply, or display sex acts in your profile picture or gallery. Rule 45. Do not upload or send any pornographic content or offer sexual services on the platform. Links to sites such as Only Fans will also be removed. Rule 46. Do not blackmail other users. Content that threatens to reveal images of another user will be removed and you will be banned, regardless of whether these images were consented to originally. Respect other users' privacy. Rule 47. Do not attempt to manipulate users into sending you intimate or nude images. This will result in an immediate ban.
🗑️ SpamVent defines spam as irrelevant or unsolicited messages sent over the platform, typically to a large number of users, over a short period of time, for the purposes of advertising, phishing, spreading malware, spreading misinformation and/or just generally trying to cause disruption. Oversharing and spam will be removed; including spamming social media handles, external messaging groups or links to other sites. Rule 48. Do not spam the same post or comment multiple times. If you post or comment the same content 3 or more times in a day, we will class this as spam and subsequently, this content will be removed. We will also issue suspensions or restrict your access if you continue to spam content. Rule 49. Do not spam DM’s with the same message, emoji(s), gif(s) and/or image(s). If you send the same message 3 or more times in a day, and this is flagged for review, we will class this as spam and you may lose access to direct messaging.
🤥 False NewsFake news, misinformation (content that is inaccurate or false) and disputed claims that cause significant harm to individuals, our community, or the larger public regardless of intent will be removed. This includes sharing content that is significantly and deceptively altered, manipulated or fabricated, content that is shared in a deceptive manner or with false context and content that is likely to result in widespread confusion on public issues or impact public safety. Rule 50. Do not post misleading information that incites hate or prejudice. Rule 51. Do not post misleading information related to emergencies that induce panic. Rule 52. Do not post medical misinformation that can cause harm to an individual's physical health. Rule 53. Content that misleads community members about elections or other civic processes. Rule 54. Do not post conspiratorial content, these include: Content that attacks a specific person or a protected group A violent call to action Denies a violent or tragic event occurred. Rule 55. Do not share Digital Forgeries that mislead users by distorting the truth of events and cause significant harm to the subject of the video, other persons, or society. Rule 56. Do not engage in coordinated inauthentic behaviour such as the use of multiple accounts to exert influence and sway public opinion whilst misleading individuals, our community, or our systems about the account's identity, location, relationships, popularity, or purpose.
🔒 PrivacyRespect the privacy of others. Revealing private information (doxing) of another Vent member will not be tolerated. Vent defines doxing as the act of collecting and publishing personal data or personally identifiable information (PII) for malicious purposes. Don't be a detective and bully people into revealing more information than they are comfortable sharing. At the same time, do not share your own personally identifiable information on the platform. Vent cannot control what information you share via direct messages - be careful and think about the details you are sharing with others. Check out our privacy policy for more information around privacy on Vent. Rule 57. Do not post content that threatens to reveal personal data or personally identifiable information, including residential address, private email address, private phone number, bank statements, social security numbers and/or passport numbers on Vent. Rule 58. Do not post your own phone number, banking info, or location on Vent. Also, do not request this information from other users. Rule 59. Do not threaten to blackmail an individual or to hack an individual's account. Rule 60. Do not post content that incites or encourages others to hack or reveal another person's account, personal data, or personally identifiable information (PII). Rule 61. Do not share an individual's account, personal data, or personally identifiable information to encourage others to abuse, troll, or harass that individual.
🚩 FlaggingThe fastest way to get content reviewed by our moderation team is to flag it. Do not take things into your own hands by tagging users or admins. If a post has been left up and you fundamentally believe it's by mistake, email Whilst we encourage you to flag any content that isn’t quite right, please do not spam flag - if you flag a post or user, rest assured we are looking into it. If you feel there are legitimate grounds for a suspension/ban, do not abuse the flag button in an attempt to catch the attention of an admin on shift. If the flag reasons are not appropriate, provide as much detail when flagging the content by using the ‘other’ option. To Flag a Post: Open the inappropriate post from the feed Press the '. . .' in the top right-hand corner of the screen Select "Flag this Post" Choose a reason for flagging the content (use the ‘other’ option if your flag reason is not detailed - this is a free text option). You will not be notified of any further action To Flag a Comment: Open a post from the feed Press the '. . .' in the top right-hand corner of the inappropriate comment Select "Flag this Comment" Choose a reason for flagging the content (use the ‘other’ option if your flag reason is not detailed - this is a free text option) You will not be notified of any further action To flag a Direct Message: Select the settings icon in the top right of the messaging thread. Choose "report user" Choose a reason for flagging the content (use the ‘other’ option if your flag reason is not detailed - this is a free text option) You will not be notified of any further action Rule 62. Do not abuse the flag button without good reason in an attempt to get another user banned - this creates unnecessary workload for our admin team. If you flag a user or their posts or comments more than 3 times in 24 hours without good reason, you will risk a suspension. Target flagging a user over a sustained period of time will also not be accepted. Rule 63. Please do not tag users or admins in posts you believe go against Vent guidelines. This content should be flagged and will then be reviewed by the admin on shift.
🏃♂️ Ban EvasionWhen we issue a ban, we are banning the user, not just the account. If your account has been permanently banned, then we believe Vent is not the place for you. Don't create a new account in an attempt to circumvent a ban or a suspension. If you believe you have been wronged, you can appeal the ban or contact us via Rule 64. Do not create new accounts to circumvent permanent or temporary suspensions or bans on Vent. Rule 65. If an account has been permanently banned for violations of Vent's Rules & Guidelines, Vent reserves the right to also permanently suspend any other account we believe the same account holder or entity may be operating in violation of our earlier suspension, regardless of when the other account was created.
📢 Marketing & FundraisingVent isn't a marketplace for you to sell or promote your services. If you're a professional mental health expert, you're welcome to engage in peer support but don't offer therapy on our platform. Vent is also not the place to fundraise, crowdfund or advertise sponsorship sites. Rule 66. Do not promote your business, products, social media handles, surveys etc on Vent. This also includes selling or buying items on the platform, sharing referral codes and posting invites to create accounts on other platforms. Such posts will be removed. Rule 67. Do not ask users to complete surveys via Vent. If you are working on a research project, or would like to collaborate with Vent, please contact Rule 68. Any posts or comments promoting fundraisers, crowdfunding or sponsorship sites will be removed.
💜 Support VentAdmins are here to help. You're welcome to vent and make suggestions, but please be respectful and polite. We're all doing our best to make this community a safe and encouraging place. If you disagree with an admin, that's okay. You can appeal removals and bans but please don't abuse our staff or volunteers. You can also express your frustration about aspects of Vent you do not agree with and provide feedback - just don’t get personal. To request further details following the removal of a post, select "+" on the removed post - this will give you the option to request further details from a member of the admin team. Please do not direct message our staff or volunteers requesting this information. You are also more than welcome to contact with any suggestions or complaints. Rule 69. Do not abuse volunteers or admins by tagging them in posts or comments, and/or by sending them a direct message. If you have an issue with a decision that has been made, contact
🐟 CatfishingVent is pseudo-anonymous, and you are welcome to be anonymous. However, please don't bait people or take advantage of vulnerable people by pretending to be someone you're not. Likewise, don't use alternate accounts to bully and target yourself. Vent defines catfishing as a user creating an online identity for the purposes of beginning a deceptive relationship. Rule 70. Do not create an account for the purpose of beginning a deceptive relationship. Rule 71. Alternate accounts are allowed but do not target, abuse and/or bully your own accounts. Alternate accounts are accounts created by the same user under a different username. Rule 72. Do not impersonate individuals, groups and/or organisations to mislead, confuse and/or deceive others, nor use a fake identity in a manner that disrupts the experience of others on Vent. Rule 73. Do not take it upon yourself to hunt catfish on the platform. ‘Catfish Hunter’ accounts created to call out such activity can be very dangerous, and we will ban such users. If you come across such activity, please flag the content or contact
🏛️ Religious & Political ContentYour beliefs and culture are important. However, don't force your views on others or spam (please see spam section) scripture or views. Use your energy and passion to help and support others with your words and being available to listen. Rule 74. Do not spam religious scripture - if you post the same post more than 3 times in a day, this content will be removed. Rule 75. Do not enforce your views or beliefs onto anyone - this includes political beliefs/views. Respect other users' opinions. Rule 76. Do not invalidate someone else’s beliefs because they do not align with your own. Rule 77. Do not post political propaganda on Vent. Vent defines political propaganda as posts or comments intended to influence people's opinions about a particular political candidate or issue.
🚨 SecurityVent values the security and safety of our community and employees. We do not allow access to Vent through unauthorised methods, or to obtain sensitive confidential commercial or personal information. Please do not mess with the integrity or reliability of Vent - we will issue a permanent ban if we suspect a user is attempting to undermine or abuse the security of our platform. Rule 78. Do not try to access Vent in an unauthorised manner, and do not create misleading versions of our platform. Rule 79. Do not distribute malicious files, links, content or messages that contain viruses, Trojan horses, worms, logic bombs, and/or other materials that may be harmful to the community or platform. Rule 80. Do not use automated scripts or code to request login credentials or other sensitive information, including non-public data, from Vent or its users.
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